Monday, February 22, 2016

Rectal yeast infection

Rectal yeast infection, wipe the root cause

Rectal yeast infection, is a deadly threat caused by the same type of fungus that is responsible for vaginal candidiasis. The difference is the site of infection and the difficulty of detection.

A self-diagnosis is difficult because the signs and symptoms continue to develop and progress within the walls of the rectum. Only a qualified doctor can determine if it is a rectal yeast infection, or any other digestive disorder.

Rectal area is in fact more susceptible to fungal infections, since it is in direct contact with the intestinal tract and is a temporary storage of the bacteria and solid body waste.

Rectal yeast infection, is the most annoying fungal infection type, because it affects the most embarrassing parts of the body.

The intense anal itching and discomfort unbearable, are the initial symptoms of rectal yeast infection. It is also manifested by a burning sensation in the rectal area.

Redness due to inflammation and blisters, may also be evident. The anal area can also be slightly rough because the skin begins to peel and appears scaly. This painful sore in the rectal area is compounded when attempting a bowel movement and therefore must be treated to prevent infection.

What causes rectal yeast infection?

Yeast thrives in closed, damp and dark environments. When conditions in the rectal area are favorable for the growth of fungi in the system, it is transformed into a rectal yeast infection. The rectal yeast infection can be the result of unprotected anal intercourse, vaginal infection by a severe fungal and can also be caused by a weakened immune system.

Rectal yeast infection also occurs as a result of the invasion of Candida albicans in the genital area.

Measures of treatment for rectal yeast infection, drugs, creams prescription and nonprescription provide good relief for rectal fungal infection.

Generally, the following measures are recommended treatment to cure the infection completely:

Rectal-yeast-infection-The Use of antifungal suppositories that can cure the infection and internal anti-fungal creams to clear external symptoms.

 -The Oral medications may also cure the fungi which cause rectal yeast infection.

He recommends that you keep the free moisture rectal area, using almidón.No use talcum powder.
rectal yeast infection

Refrain from excessive sweets that cause excessive mold growth.
-Avoid Starchy foods like potatoes.

-Restrict Alcohol intake to help cure the symptoms.

-Include Foods such as onions, cabbage, garlic, turnips and broccoli that inhibit the growth of yeast causing fungi.

-The Application of yogurt and pulp of aloe vera in the infected area, also relieves symptoms and provides a calming effect.

Including sugarless yogurt probiotics in their diet and drinking plenty of water, you can neutralize the imbalances in the digestive system and effectively combat yeast.

Who is at increased risk of rectal yeast infection?

People who indulge in sex with or without condom lubricants, are more vulnerable to fungal infections rectal.

Rectal fungal infections also spread through sex. However, keeping the genital and rectal area clean and washed after foreplay and intercourse will greatly reduce the possibility of rectal yeast infection.

Rectal yeast infection is a terribly annoying and painful condition. It is safe and convenient to consult a doctor because rectal yeast infection, is often confused with other digestive ailments. It is very important to correctly diagnose the problem and implement the correct course of treatment, to exterminate the cause of rectal yeast infection in the bud.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jock itch, home remedies

Home remedies for jock itch

Jock itch is a fungal infection that can affect delicate or sensitive areas such as the groin, genitals and buttocks.

The fungus that causes this infection can grow well in an environment that is moist and warm. Excessive sweating, a weakened immune system and obesity are risk factors that can increase the chances of having this kind of fungal infection.

One thing you need to remember is that you should not panic if you get infected by esto.Hay one lot you can do to get rid of jock itch.

You can even stay home and treat it. But, of course, you have to deal with the discomfort such as itching, chafing and flaking.

Home remedies for jock itch and some tips that will surely be of great help to you.


One way to cure is through a salt bath. Just make use of common salt can be found in your kitchen. Pour generous amount of salt in the bath water. Then you must wet the affected areas with salt water. Salt helps draw moisture in the affected areas.

In this way, you can keep that part of his body, dry all the time. You may need to repeat a couple of times a day at least three days to see the results and also dry well.


Jock itch-home remediesGarlic has a strong fungicidal activity and can be used in several ways. You can apply it topically.

Crush garlic and mix with olive oil. Just make sure the mixture is pasty.

You will have to apply this topic for at least twice a day. It may take a few days to see the positive results so you should wait a while.

You can also take garlic as a food supplement to improve your immune system.

Bleach and water, is also one of the effective home remedies for jock itch

You have to know that chlorine can be used to treat jock itch. What you need to do is mix one part bleach with at least three parts water.

This mixture is very effective in killing the infection itself. It is necessary to apply it with a cotton or dropper. Always be sure to apply the mixture minimally or else it will only aggravate the irritation.

Light treatment

A simple remedy that can be used at home is light. Exposure of affected areas to help dry the light rashes and heal quickly.

You can use sunlight or halogen bulb. If using halogen light, do not too close to it or else it could result in burns.

There are several ways you can help treat jock itch with simple household items. Home remedies can be as effective as drugs too. Just make sure you know how to do it the right way. Always keep these home remedies for jock itch in mind.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Home Remedy nature for nail fungus

Remedy for nail fungus: Oregano Oil

It is also known as onychomycosis, nail fungus, they are an extremely common condition that, if left untreated, can become quite unpleasant and painful.

Starting as a light colored stain below the tip of the toenail fungus can continue to spread until the entire toenail becomes thick and yellow with crumbling edges.

Si proper treatment is not given to destroy the fungus, this will continue to grow and eventually the toenail will have a distorted shape, color can be green, brown or black.

If allowed to grow the fungus will deteriorate the toenail and a foul odor will be present. At this point, the nail may become completely detached from the tip and there may be some significant pain in the foot.

Fortunately, toenail fungus, do not have to be accepted as an unpleasant part of life. There are many treatments available to eradicate the fungus that causes this unpleasant condition.

Research has shown that oregano oil is so effective for nail fungus, including nonprescription drugs and prescription, however, it is easier on sensitive skin and usually costs less.

Remedy-nature-for-nail-fungusIt is used both topically and internally, oregano oil is a powerful natural antiseptic.

Researchers have found it very effective specifically in the fight against yeast, bacterial and fungal infections.

Not to be confused with oregano, oregano essential oil is distilled from the leaves of oregano plant.
The active ingredients in this product are thymol and carvacrol, which can constitute up to 90% of the oil in the highest quality.

It is important in the purchase of this product usually is in a health food store or online, or using a reputable dealer.

Taken internally, oregano oil, has proven to be comparable to penicillin in the fight against Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Listeria and more than 25 other powerful bacteria.

This powerful natural oil has also been used successfully to eradicate intestinal parasites.

Oregano oil can be used to remove excessive amounts of cándida yeast in the body. Several weeks of continuous use, have proven more difficult to cure cases of yeast infection.

Gingivitis, gum disease and athlete's foot can also be treated with oil of oregano.
Oregano oil has received much attention for its ability to combat fungal infections of the toenail.

There are no known negative interactions with other medications associated with oregano oil. However, it is rapidly absorbed and should be taken with food to avoid stomach upset and heartburn.

Although oregano oil is much softer than many chemical treatments for toenail fungus, it can irritate sensitive skin, especially around the eyes and should never be used on the skin at full strength.

If this volatile oil is used topically, it should always be diluted with another PPO.
Before using this product, it is advisable to do an allergy test by placing a little oil on the inner arm: If the skin becomes red, swollen or itchy, do not use in other parts of the body.

For the treatment of fungal nail a mixture of oregano oil and olive oil, almond, or other pure vegetable oil to all areas of the toenail and finger are affected by the fungus is applied. The oil is absorbed into the toenail and kill the nail fungus.

This treatment should be two to three times daily.

It is essential to complete this daily treatment, follow for four to six months. Although the fungus dies and the toenail begins to clear it is vital to continue the treatment until the infected part of the nail has grown completely out.

Once the nail fungus, have been eradicated and the nail is completely healthy, it is vital to take steps to ensure that the fungus does not return.

If you normally have a pedicure salon, you must be sure he has a good reputation and understands the importance of sterilizing all manicure equipment.

You may be asked to stop using nail toenails because they can trap moisture under the polish and encourage the growth of fungi.

It is also vitally important, keep your hands clean especially after contacting fungus that may reside on other toenails because of the contagious nature of the fungus.

Wear socks that allow your feet to breathe, such as those made from natural fibers such as cotton. If you have exceptionally sweaty feet, give them sufficient time to dry during the day, if possible. Keep nails clean and trimmed is important because the fungus can make a "home under the toenail."

Other factors that put you at risk for fungal infections of the nails are:

Smoking, diabetes, and work in an environment that causes continuous sweating. By knowing the causes and the simple and effective oil of oregano oil for nail fungus treatment and should not be a health problem.

In addition to these precautions, maintain good general health, will also reduce your risk of developing nail fungus. Because the fungus can only grow if your immune system is unable to fight them, take steps to see that your immune system is strong: eating right, getting enough rest and exercise.

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Two powerful home remedies for vaginal yeast - vaginal candidiasis

Home remedies that provide relief from vaginal yeast vaginal -Candidiasis

A vaginal yeast infection can be a big problem if left untreated. Even in milder cases symptoms are uncomfortable, but in severe cases a yeast infection can actually ruin your life.

The usual symptoms of yeast infection in the vagina or vaginal candidiasis, are:

* Itching and rashes inside and around the vagina,
* A fishy smell in the vagina,

* Painful intercourse
* Frequent urination and a white discharge from the vagina.

At its worst stages even some women may even prevent walking. Therefore it is imperative that you learn how to get rid of your yeast infection of the vagina or vaginal candidiasis, urgent

Home remedies are generally more effective than the drugs prescribed for this condition; and much safer because of its simple ingredients.

Behold, powerful home remedies for yeast in vaginal candidiasis vaginalis, a combination of effective methods, here are some of them:

vaginal-candidiasisTea tree oil:

The tea tree oil, is little known in the United States and Canadá, also in Europe. But especially in Italy, it is a common way to eliminate vaginal yeast.

Usted this substance can be found in most health food stores.

The idea is to dip a tampon in olive oil, then add a few drops of tea tree oil to one side and insert the tampon into the vagina on that side. The reason for the use of olive oil is to lubricate, and the buffer itself does not suck the tea tree oil inside.

Before doing this, however, it is necessary to dilute the tea tree oil a little as it may be too dense for your vagina.

Garlic buffer:

Buffer garlic can be a great way to eliminate vaginal yeast or yeast infection because it is a powerful antibacterial. Even just eat lots of garlic will show the results.

More immediate results are achieved by peeling a clove of garlic; and place in cheesecloth. Then you have to insert into the vagina and leave it there for a few hours.

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Yeast infection after sex

There really is a simple explanation of why you still get a yeast infection after sex:

And it is because it is still having sex before their last infection has been eradicated completely. 

Here you will learn why this happens and you need to do to make sure your infection completely, before starting to have healthy sex again.

But before we get into why it is necessary to know the causes of yeast infections ...

These infections are most often caused by the Candida albicans fungus that lives naturally in all of us.

But they live in us without causing any problems most of the time. This is because the benefits offered by our good bacteria that help keep it under control.

But where there are large underlying problems, such as excessive use of antibiotics, a compromised immune system, some drug therapy, the levels of blood sugar and / or hormonal changes, changes in pH of the body, etc., the fungus can begin to grow and spread.

Yeast-infection-after-sexWhen "overgrows," causes a yeast infection

Okay, now let's look at the normal daily treatment for fungal infections ...

Most women and men will opt for drug based medications such as creams, lotions, foams, aerosols, etc, they're getting over the counter or through your doctor. And they can work on time determined and following the instructions carefully.

And here "the big question": But, if you are using them, How is it that you still get a yeast infection after sex?

Well, many women and men are doing the exact same question, so you are not alone.

The problem with drug-based therapy is that it is just that:

They are drugs that target local symptoms, not the root cause. And apart from the fact that they can have unpleasant side effects, the Candida fungus in your body over time can become resistant to them because of the repetitive and constant use.

So now we can have a better understanding of why remains a fungal infection after having sex ...

Once symptoms disappear, you stop taking the drug. That's natural. All that has happened is that their local symptoms are gone, but the conditions for reinfection, NO is gone, this latent.

And here's the thing: sex is an ideal place for yeast infection waiting trigger.

This is because:

1- The Candida fungus prefers warm, moist and dark areas in the body (eg the vagina, under the foreskin of the penis, mouth, anus, etc.)

2- Sperm and lubricants on condoms, can change the pH of the body,

3- Sexual intercourse may bruise and tear the soft tissue leaving the ideal conditions for the fungus can anchor and grow.

Not only that, sex can transfer the infection and again between intimate partners.

So when both partners are infected and continue to have sex is very, very difficult to completely eradicate vaginal yeast infection or penis.

It is also advisable to abstain from oral sex, if a man has a fungal infection on the penis, because the result could be that women could not only get vaginal yeast, it can also develop oral yeast infection ( also called thrush).

Both partners might consider a tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar as a home remedy before having sex.

These natural treatments may offer some soothing relief and also provide an effective home remedy for candida albicans.

It is important that if you have a yeast infection, either vaginal or penis, you should talk with your sexual partner so that he or she can make their own decision on whether they want to have sex until both are free of infection.

It can be very easy for couples to experience chronic yeast infections if unprotected sex continue, while there are open sores in progress, discharge, lesions or rashes.

It should also be careful that a fungal infection is not confused with the symptoms of a (STD) STD.

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6 Great Tips and Home Remedies for Athletes Foot

Home Remedies for Athletes Foot

Athlete's foot literally can make us crazy sometimes. The more you scratch, the worse the itch gets!

Then you get to the point where starts burning and really becomes pain. Many times we think we have killed, only to come back again with a vengeance.

Therefore, here are some tips and home remedies for athlete's foot, to end this annoyance:

1- Keep your feet covered

Regardless of where you are in public, you should take some kind of shoes on your feet.

The fungi that cause athlete's foot loves places like gyms, swimming pools, changing rooms and spa.

The fungus that causes athlete's foot can spread like wildfire in such areas. An ounce of prevention will be very useful.

2- Soak your feet
This treatment for athlete's foot works pretty well:

Mix 4-5 tablespoons of salt to a gallon of warm water. Soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes. Then you can even apply an antifungal cream if desired.

3- Put some baking soda

Here is another good home remedy for athlete's foot:

Take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix with a little water. You must make a paste like substance. Rub this on the infected feet and let it dry area. Then simply rinse and let dry feet.

4- Take care of your shoes

Any athletes foot prevention should include your shoes also.

Fixing this area is fairly simple. Sprinkle in a medicated foot powder inside your shoes every 2-3 days. You can also use a medicated spray to combat the fungus in your shoes.

5- Change socks

Do you have feet that tend to sweat all the time?

Then you should change your socks 2-3 times a day. Take an extra pair with you to work and change them during your lunch break.

6- Remove the old dead skin

Removing the dead skin on your feet is an important part of treatment for home remedies for athlete's foot.

Dead skin helps safeguard fungi that live in it. Therefore, use a small brush or a toothbrush and scrub your feet thoroughly. Pass the toothbrush and remove the old dead skin between the toes too.

These simple home remedies for athlete's foot, can go a long way to solve the problem, but it is indispensable extensive treatment to eliminate root condition.

Prevention and early treatment can make your athlete's foot problem, it becomes a thing of the past.

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