Monday, February 8, 2016

Yeast infection after sex

There really is a simple explanation of why you still get a yeast infection after sex:

And it is because it is still having sex before their last infection has been eradicated completely. 

Here you will learn why this happens and you need to do to make sure your infection completely, before starting to have healthy sex again.

But before we get into why it is necessary to know the causes of yeast infections ...

These infections are most often caused by the Candida albicans fungus that lives naturally in all of us.

But they live in us without causing any problems most of the time. This is because the benefits offered by our good bacteria that help keep it under control.

But where there are large underlying problems, such as excessive use of antibiotics, a compromised immune system, some drug therapy, the levels of blood sugar and / or hormonal changes, changes in pH of the body, etc., the fungus can begin to grow and spread.

Yeast-infection-after-sexWhen "overgrows," causes a yeast infection

Okay, now let's look at the normal daily treatment for fungal infections ...

Most women and men will opt for drug based medications such as creams, lotions, foams, aerosols, etc, they're getting over the counter or through your doctor. And they can work on time determined and following the instructions carefully.

And here "the big question": But, if you are using them, How is it that you still get a yeast infection after sex?

Well, many women and men are doing the exact same question, so you are not alone.

The problem with drug-based therapy is that it is just that:

They are drugs that target local symptoms, not the root cause. And apart from the fact that they can have unpleasant side effects, the Candida fungus in your body over time can become resistant to them because of the repetitive and constant use.

So now we can have a better understanding of why remains a fungal infection after having sex ...

Once symptoms disappear, you stop taking the drug. That's natural. All that has happened is that their local symptoms are gone, but the conditions for reinfection, NO is gone, this latent.

And here's the thing: sex is an ideal place for yeast infection waiting trigger.

This is because:

1- The Candida fungus prefers warm, moist and dark areas in the body (eg the vagina, under the foreskin of the penis, mouth, anus, etc.)

2- Sperm and lubricants on condoms, can change the pH of the body,

3- Sexual intercourse may bruise and tear the soft tissue leaving the ideal conditions for the fungus can anchor and grow.

Not only that, sex can transfer the infection and again between intimate partners.

So when both partners are infected and continue to have sex is very, very difficult to completely eradicate vaginal yeast infection or penis.

It is also advisable to abstain from oral sex, if a man has a fungal infection on the penis, because the result could be that women could not only get vaginal yeast, it can also develop oral yeast infection ( also called thrush).

Both partners might consider a tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar as a home remedy before having sex.

These natural treatments may offer some soothing relief and also provide an effective home remedy for candida albicans.

It is important that if you have a yeast infection, either vaginal or penis, you should talk with your sexual partner so that he or she can make their own decision on whether they want to have sex until both are free of infection.

It can be very easy for couples to experience chronic yeast infections if unprotected sex continue, while there are open sores in progress, discharge, lesions or rashes.

It should also be careful that a fungal infection is not confused with the symptoms of a (STD) STD.

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